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February Newsletter


Here we are welcoming February and it seems we were just ringing in the New Year! We want to show our gratitude to our wonderful families for participating in our annual PAR survey. We had the highest percentage of the Enchanted Care’s with 71% completion! We value and respect your feedback and take it into great consideration as we work towards the future!


Valentine’s Day Parties!

We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day by having class parties on Friday, February 12th. There will be sign-up sheets posted for each classroom next week. Each child will have the opportunity to bring in valentines for his/her friends. Please do not address each valentine card to a specific child, just have your child sign his/her name and we will be sure to get them pass out to everyone.


Professional Development Day

Enchanted Care will be having the first of 2 Professional Development Days in 2016 on Monday, February 15th; therefore our school will be closed.  The teachers will spend the collaborating on new classroom initiatives and working together to improve as a team.  The second Professional Development Day will take place in the fall.


Winter Weather Advisory

Enchanted Care will close only if Franklin County is at a Level 3 Snow Emergency. There will be announcements on Channel 6 and 28 as well as most major radio stations. We will also have a message on our websites homepage and an automated voice message on our phone to keep you informed of any early dismissals or closures.



Please keep in mind that the children do go outside as long as the temperature is 25 degrees or above. Therefore, please make sure that your child has a warm coat, hat, gloves and snow boots.



Please make sure that you are signing your child in every morning and out every evening, even if your child’s group is in another classroom. Thank you for your consistency with signing the book!

*  Morning Snack schedules have been adjusted. Please note the following:

Toddler Two           7:50-8:10

Beginner                8:10-8:30

Intermediate           8:30-8:50

Pre-K                     8:50-9:10

These adjustments have been made to enable each class to have their own time in the cafeteria. Please make sure you are providing breakfast at home if you are dropping your child off outside their scheduled snack time.

*  Don’t forget to check your child’s cubby for important information from their teachers and the office.

*  Parking Lot Safety – Remember to drive slowly and cautiously through our parking lots. There are several small children and their families in the parking lot throughout the day and we want to be sure that everyone is safe! In addition, please do not leave children in the car unattended.  It is also important that you do not leave your car running while in our school.

*  Tuition Due – Tuition will be due on February 1st and 15th.  Please make sure that your account is current with the tuition cycle.  There will be a $25 late fee assessed to all payments made after Tuesday at Noon of the tuition week.  If you are interested in our automatic withdrawal program please stop by the office to pick up an authorization form.


 Important Dates to Remember

At Our School

February 12th – Valentine’s Day Parties

February 15th – Enchanted Care will be CLOSED for Professional Development Day


A Word from our Education Department

Helping Your Preschooler Develop Positive Friendship Skills

Are you puzzled by some of your child’s social behaviors? Have you noticed that your toddler doesn’t interact with other children very often? Does your three-year-old get frustrated when a classmate won’t play with him? Will your four-year-old only play with her best friend?

These are all normal social behaviors for preschoolers. Learning how to develop friendships is a lifelong process. Children’s social behaviors evolve from smiling and cooing at others, to engaging in parallel play, to eventually forming friendships and playing together.

Below are ways we help develop friendships in the classroom, as well as ideas for you and your child to do at home.


In the classroom: Before they can communicate verbally, infants build connections by smiling, cooing and crying. By two months old, they might turn toward other infants, and by twelve months, they begin to imitate their peers. Teachers help facilitate this relationship by sitting infants near each other during activities such as story time and tummy time.

At home: Even though infants don’t really play with one another, they still benefit from “play dates” with other infants. Sit your infant face-to-face with another infant or in close proximity to an older sibling, and provide each child separate toys. Note when your infant watches the other child and what captures his attention.

Recommended reading: Friends by Helen Oxenbury and Let’s Play by Leo Lionni

TODDLERS (ages 1-2):

In the classroom: Many young children tend to engage in “parallel play.” They play near other children, but each child is doing something different. This is a natural phase of development. As children get older, they begin to enjoy more shared activities with their peers. For example, they might enjoy splashing their hands at the water table with others, looking at books while sitting close to a friend, and dancing to music with their classmates.

At home: Invite another parent and child to your home for a play date. Blocks, balls, dress up clothes and toy kitchen sets are great toys for children at this age. Don’t force them to play with each other. Instead, let the children decide on the level of interaction.

Recommended reading: Do You Want to be My Friend? by Eric Carle and I Can Share by Karen Katz

BEGINNERS (ages 2-3):

In the classroom: In the Beginner classroom, teachers refer to classmates as “friends.” Students learn about personal space and begin to practice good manners by saying please and thank you.

At home: Model positive behaviors while playing with your child. Say “I’m going to roll the ball to you. Can you please roll the ball back to me?” Afterward, say “Thank you. You are being a good friend.”

Recommended reading: How Do Dinosaurs Play with Their Friends? by Jane Yolen and Let’s be Friends by P. K. Hallinan


In the classroom: Between ages three and four, children attempt to understand social situations, but often do so from an egocentric point of view. They need adult guidance to help them navigate peer conflict and model appropriate friendship-making behaviors. Small group activities help children learn how to follow directions, take turns and develop friendships.

At home: Ask your child about their friends and what games they played together. If he says, “Andrew didn’t play with me today. He’s mean,” you could say, “Andrew may have wanted to play a different game today. Maybe you can play together tomorrow. What does Andrew like to play?”

Recommended reading: Just My Friend and Me by Mercer Mayer and Llama Llama Time to Share by Anna Dewdney

PRE-K/PRE-K2 (ages 4-5)

In the classroom: Friendship in Pre-K and Pre-K2 is usually reciprocal and deliberate as children become more skilled in social interactions and look for peers with shared interests. Our character education program reinforces friendship making skills using songs, games, books and brain-builder activities to nurture skills such as collaboration, understanding feelings and resolving conflicts.

At home: Bring your child to events that include multiple children, such as birthday parties, or encourage your child to play a board game that requires multiple players. Ask him to introduce himself to the other children, or encourage him to play the game taking turns. If you notice frustration from your child, say, “In order to play the game, we all have to play together.”

Recommended reading: Frog and Toad are Friends by Arnold Lobel and A Splendid Friend, Indeed by Suzanne Bloom

Don’t be concerned about the number of friends your child has, as it is more about quality than quantity. Each child will develop friendships at his own pace. What matters most is the development of social skills such as collaboration and problem-solving, which will help him transition into elementary school and beyond.

– Lauren Starnes, PhD – Director of Early Childhood Education


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