Our new school year is in full swing here at Enchanted Care KIDS’ Campus. The students are getting used to their new crew leaders and school year routine. This year our Pre-K friends from the Learning Center will be visiting us at the KIDS’ Campus on Tuesday mornings for some exciting adventures with Linking with Lesslie to help get them used to the campus’ environment, interact and learn with their friends and have fun.
On Friday, September 8th, we will be having a Grandparents’ Day celebration for our Pre-K from 2:00pm-3:00pm. The Learning Center will be hosting their Grandparents’ Day festivities from 3:00pm-4:00pm to allow for grandparents with children at both buildings to not miss out on any of the fun.
Just a reminder, we are closed on Monday, September 4th for Labor Day. Also, Marysville schools has their first scheduled 2-hour delay on Wednesday, September 6th. Care and transportation are available for the 2-hour delay.
From our Education Department
September, 2017
Topics: Social Emotional
Young children experience many of the same emotions that adults do, but often don’t have the vocabulary available to talk about how they are feeling. You’ve probably been concerned or confused when your child seems emotional, but you don’t know why. He might yell, throw toys or seem quieter than usual,[.....]
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September Newsletter
Our new school year is in full swing here at Enchanted Care KIDS’ Campus. The students are getting used to their new crew leaders and school year routine. This year our Pre-K friends from the Learning Center will be visiting us at the KIDS’ Campus on Tuesday mornings for some exciting adventures with Linking with Lesslie to help get them used to the campus’ environment, interact and learn with their friends and have fun.
On Friday, September 8th, we will be having a Grandparents’ Day celebration for our Pre-K from 2:00pm-3:00pm. The Learning Center will be hosting their Grandparents’ Day festivities from 3:00pm-4:00pm to allow for grandparents with children at both buildings to not miss out on any of the fun.
Just a reminder, we are closed on Monday, September 4th for Labor Day. Also, Marysville schools has their first scheduled 2-hour delay on Wednesday, September 6th. Care and transportation are available for the 2-hour delay.
From our Education Department
5 Tips to Expand Your Child’s Emotional IQ
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